Managing risks.
Controlling companies securely.
Save money.

Scalable solutions – for MedTech startups and corporations.

Risk management with TopEase®

Identify risks earlier - take action: Saving money through digitization during the crisis!

Rapid changes in laws and regulations (covid test requirement for companies, import/export restriction, etc.) force you as a business owner to quickly introduce and implement measures. In parallel, measures have to be taken due to the economic situation in order to secure the earnings situation. In our tutorial, you’ll learn how to capture risk, take and track action quickly through early risk detection, and achieve comprehensive, real-time reporting via dashboards. 

Covid-19 increases complexity in OpRisk management

Covid-19 has shown the business community the disadvantages of global economic chains: restricted mobility of goods and people due to closed borders, drastic slumps in the economy up to the complete standstill of individual economic sectors. At the same time, government support for individual sectors of the economy, in conjunction with the suspension of bankruptcy, encourages the creation and expansion of zombie firms.

Risk management is therefore more topical than ever. Operational risk (OpRisk) management, e.g. supply chain risk, and counterparty risk management in the context of the zombification of the economy are key components of corporate governance. In addition, active management of financial risks is needed to assess the financial impact of the pandemic. Measures are defined for the secure control of the company and applied to individual parts of the company or organizational units. Real-time reporting and dashboards allow management to track implementation status and success in terms of mitigated risks at any time – without the need for time-consuming physical reports.

Current challenges in risk management

Central elements of risk management in corporate management

Regulatory risks

Regulatory risks

Holistic view of regulatory risks such as export or import restrictions or supply chain law. Analysis, financial and operational assessment of the impact of new laws and regulations, and preparation of action plans are essential tasks in the area of regulatory risks.

Operational risks

Operational risks

Management of operational risks (OpRisk) such as product liability or organizational risks for the entire company or individual parts of the company. Implementation of regulatory requirements in the area of OpRisk, e.g. from the area of banking regulation or regulation of energy suppliers.

Financial risks

Financial Risk Management

Quantification of risks by individual products, parts of the company or business units. Managing risk appetite. Use of financial ratios as a basis for decision-making on risk treatment. Implementation of financial risk governance.

Cyber risks

Cyber risks

Detect, assess and mitigate information security risks. Assessment of damage scenarios such as hacker attacks or other attacks. Take and implement measures, e.g. as part of emergency management or securing the physical infrastructure.

Risk early detection

Risk early detection

Early detection of potential weaknesses and the possible occurrence of risks. Conduct inspections, assessments or audits. Definition of risk thresholds. Monitoring über Dashboards und Reports. Integration in Risiko-Governance.


Build and assess resilience against defined loss scenarios. Definition of operational and organizational measures in the event of risk occurrence, linkage with business continuity management for rapid restoration of operations.


Build and assess resilience against defined loss scenarios. Definition of operational and organizational measures in the event of risk occurrence, linkage with business continuity management for rapid restoration of operations.

Do you have sufficient capacity to provide up-to-date threat analyses as well as appropriate measures? Do you know the trend of your opportunities & risks?

The main problem our customers face is internal capacity in risk management. The main problem of our customersThe increased legal requirements, especially for complex business impact analyses (BIA) and the creation of far-reaching contingency plans involving the complex and evolved IT architectures are currently the greatest challenges. represents the internal capacity in risk management.

A current issue is the impact of COVID-19 on ensuring the operation of key systems – can they be operated entirely from the home office? Often, additional head monopolies prevail here, and it is not uncommon for the core systems of the critical infrastructure in finance and insurance, but also in energy utilities, to be mainframe systems without sufficient documentation of the processes and interfaces. How should this be handled?

We automate your risk management

Aggregated views - automate the collection and updating of data at the system, process, site, or group level

No more long search for information. No Powerpoints or Excel solutions to consolidate across multiple divisions, locations or companies. Our risk overview in the digital management report shows you at a glance where you stand – and your need for action.

Where are you - where do you want to go? Our predefined self-assessments give you a quick overview of your current situation and need for action with just a few questions.

Use self-assessments to manage complex transformations: From the new construction of the IT landscape, the introduction of systems, the spin-off of company parts to the introduction of new business models.

Our ContentService provides you with laws and regulations digitally - saving you time and effort for documentation, review & rework.

Automatically identify risks to your sites and systems based on the new laws.

Everyone is equal before the law – but everyone digitizes the laws themselves. With the ContentService for TopEase, you can save yourself this workload – you receive regular updates on relevant laws and regulations.